Kite Programming Language

microregex 1.0b6 released

Written by Mooneer Salem on Saturday 20th of December, 2008 in Releases

We've just released version 1.0b6 of the microregex regular expression engine!

New in this release:

  • Fixed compile errors when compiled on the Windows platform.


Issue tracker URL (for bug reports):
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1.0b8 released

Written by Mooneer Salem on Saturday 20th of December, 2008 in Releases

We've just released version 1.0b8 of the Kite programming language!

New in this release:

  • Actual Windows support (including installer).
  • Garbage collection support using Boehm GC.
  • New application: Interactive Kite (ikt) (ticket #52)
  • New methods: System.math|random, srandom. (ticket #70)
  • Bugfix: improper memory allocation/deallocation in microregex. (ticket #66, #68)
  • Bugfix: unfriendly error message when calling an object as a method. (ticket #69)


Issue tracker URL (for bug reports):
Getting help:

Welcome to the new site!

Written by Mooneer Salem on Friday 19th of December, 2008 in General

Welcome to the new site design, compliments of Rowan Lewis!

We'll be posting news and various articles related to Kite here. Most of the documentation is on our Trac bug tracking and Wiki system, so you'll want to head there to learn more about installation/usage. Feel free to add this site to your RSS readers to be informed of new releases and other relevant news about Kite.

Any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us.